Email us for access to our complimentary webinar, "Getting In: The ABCs of College Admissions."

Getting In: The ABCs of College Admissions
Many parents and students assume they have a handle on the college admissions landscape …until it’s actually time to apply. In fact, navigating college admissions in the post-pandemic era is more confusing than ever. For parents trying to guide teens on their college admission journey, it can be overwhelming, especially if a student is already stressed.
This FREE webinar is designed to equip you with information, resources, and strategies to maximize the impact of applications while minimizing stress.
Doris Freedman, our college consultant, will:
help you understand which students get in and why;
share strategies for reducing stress associated with the college application process;
decode demostrated interest;
debunk the myth of 'the well-rounded student' and discuss what colleges actually want to see in extracurriculars;
spell out what colleges are and aren’t looking for in applicants;
address trends in college admissions (yes, admit rates are at an all-time low at some schools);
offer advice and answer questions about formulating an admissions strategy (including EA/ED applications), creating a balanced school list, and planning summer and fall activities to make college applications stand out;
provide resources for figuring out what students really want in a college and finding best-fit colleges.
Parents & students are welcomed and encouraged to email us for access to the webinar, Getting In: The ABCs of College Admissions.